Outstanding True Flush Tension Efficiency
Modern demands often call for deep strings with true flush clearance. Deeper strings ultimately result in higher tensile loads. Most flush joint connections are limited to 60-65% tension efficiency and come with a costly metal-to-metal seal. That’s where Ares™ differs. We built a true flush joint connection with 70% tension efficiency and no metal-to-metal seal to save you cost in applications where premium sealability is overkill. Ares™ was designed with economics in mind. It was built to deliver what’s needed, with no waste. Ares™ can be threaded efficiently on standard API 5CT ERW or seamless tubes, offering the ultimate supply chain flexibility. The PrecisionFit™ thread form has a negative load flank to prevent jumpout and stepped crests allow for deep stabbing and quick make-up. Internal and external shoulders provide substantial torque capacity for rotating the string in difficult wells. This connection was built to deliver the performance you need.

- 70% tension efficiency for deeper wells
- PrecisionFit™ thread form
- Internal and external shoulder for high torque performance
- True flush OD and ID for maximum clearance
- Outstanding semi-premium sealability
- Low stress for low galling and improved corrosion performance
Stress Optimization

Tensile Strength

Services available
- Technical Support
- Field Service
- Casing Design
- Material Selection
- Torque and Drag
- Accessories
All material contained in this brochure is for general information only. This material should not, therefore, be used or relied upon for any specific application without independent competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability. Fermata Technologies, LLC does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, injury resulting from the use of information and data herein.
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